Adenilson José Chiquito

Adenilson José Chiquito.jpg

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 16 3351-9652
Lab. Phone: +55 16 3351-9729

Specialty Areas

  • Physics of the condensed matter with focuses on electronic transport, electric proprieties and optic of semiconductors

Research Lines

  • Synthesis, transport and electronic proprieties of low dimensionsionality: nanostructures semiconductors and metallic

Research Groups


Graduated in physics from Federal University of São Carlos (1994), master (1997) and PhD (2001) by the same university, and postdoc from University of São Paulo. He is teacher in physics department at UFSCar. Has experience in areas of physics, with emphasis on electronic transports, electric proprieties and optic of semiconductors. Acting mostly in the follow themes: nanotechnology, optic proprieties of semiconductors, electronic transport in low dimensionality systems and ceramics