Javier Fernando Ramos Caro

Javier Fernando Ramos Caro.jpg

Associate Professor
E-mail: javier@ufscar.br
Phone: +55 16 3351-9343
Specialty Areas

  • relativity and gravitation, galaxy dynamics, mathematical models of physics.

Research Lines

  • dynamics of post Newtonian approximation galaxies 



Graduated, Master and PhD in Natural Sciences (Physics) from Universidad Industrial de Santander (2009)In his post doc, he developed the research project “Postnewton models of self-gravitating systems” at the Institute of Static, Mathematical and Scientific Computing, UNICAMP (2010-2012). Has experience in theoretical physics, focusing on gravitation and relativity, galactic dynamics, statistical mechanics and dynamical systems. He is professor at physics department of UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos).