
Many professors from the Physics Graduate Program participate in bilateral agreements and international projects, with emphasis on both experimental and theoretical physics. The internationalization of PPGF is one of the priorities set in the past few years. This internationalization translates not only into an expressive increase in global visibility of graduate-level research and teaching activities but also helps in maintaining their level of excellence.  Among the many projects developed at PPGF, we highlight the Foreign Visiting Researcher, PVE, funded by CAPES e CNPq, and also similar projects funded by FAPESP. Besides the registered faculty, several students and postdocs have also had the opportunity to undergo internships at institutions abroad.


In 2018, we had several registered faculty on leave for post-doctoral training abroad, namely:


Prof Dr Yara Galvão Gobato
September 2018/ July 2019
High Field Magnetic Laboratory -Radboud University


Prof Dr Ariano di Giovani Rodrigues
January 2018/ January 2019
Université - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie


Prof Dr Michel Venet Zambrano
July 2018/April 2019
Science and material Madrid Institute