Undergraduate interaction

Since 2003 the Physics Graduate Program at UFSCar has been encouraging senior undergraduate students to attend graduate-level courses, categorizing them as "special students". This possibility is foreseen in UFSCar's general regiment for graduate programs and it is offered to students that have undertaken 80% of their total undergraduate credits. Besides the undergraduate Physics course (both Bachelor's and Teaching degree day-time), the Physics Department also offers the undergraduate Physics Engineering degree (since 2000)  and the Teaching degree in Physics night-time (2009). Extracurricular activities have been implemented to motivate undergraduate students in continuing their studies at a graduate-level program.

Annually, both undergraduate and graduate students participate in the “Circus of science” as monitors. This event of science communication takes place at UFSCar since 2005. It was created by Professor Dulcinei Garcia, coordinator of the Physics Department at that time and faculty of PPGF, and colleagues from the Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Department. 

Also annually, the Department of Physics holds the “UFSCar Physics Week”.  As one of its core objectives, this comprehensive event gives the students a perspective on research and science development, as well as opens up the possibilities to professional development, especially in academia and at a graduate level.